Home / Solutions / Value Chain Planning Solutions Value Chain Planning Services in Canada & USA Where would you like to share? Facebook Twitter Copy Link Linkedin Email Orchestrate smooth performance across all areas of your business Drive accelerated change with a top-to-bottom review of all functional areas of your business. Our value chain planning goes beyond your supply chain to create a holistic view of your entire operation. Here is what’s involved in our value chain planning services: Integrated business planning: Build an integrated business plan that cuts across the end-to-end functions and technology in your business to improve alignment, future supply chain planning, resource management and customer experience. Sales and operations planning: Draw on input from your company’s key functional areas such as sales, marketing, manufacturing, distribution and finance to create a unified and clear business plan that connects all stakeholders. Supply and demand planning: Build best practices at the lowest planning level to enable a more integrated business plan enabled by appropriate technology. Forecasting and replenishment: Collaborate and integrate internal and external planning and forecasting data to strengthen your relationships and improve your results. Inventory management: With increasingly complex supply chains and manufacturing processes, managing inventory effectively is key to delivering customer satisfaction and loyalty. Working with the Supply Chain Alliance team proved a highly productive step forward for Roots. From the outset, they demonstrated an authoritative command of all things linked to a supply chain while also taking the time to fully determine our challenges, needs and opportunities. I appreciated their attitude and way of working and how they quickly understood the Roots culture as they found a way to become part of our team. They were good to their word, delivering what they promised, on time and on budget. Thanks to their involvement, we made significant improvements in our entire transportation system and they helped greatly in determining our needs for an improved procurement system - Don Green, Co-Founder Roots Ltd. Previous Next Subscribe to our newsletter Equip yourself with all the need-to-know supply chain knowledge First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required) Company (required) I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Solutions Network Optimization Ready to know more? Let's Talk